Susimainen otus.
18.03.2017 - 21:33Wolf-like creature from my sketchbook.
Piti turvautua arkistoihin että saa päivitettyä – kenties hieman paradoksaalisesti blogi on kärsinyt koska olen yrittänyt vatvoa kässäri-ideoita ”oikeisiin” sarjakuviin.
(Lisäksi olen ehkä muuttumassa ameebaksi. Ameebat saavat huonosti asioita tehtyä.)
Had to dig into my archives for an update. Maybe a bit paradoxically, I have neglected my blog because I have tried to develop some ideas into scripts for ”real” comics.
(I also suspect that I might be turning into an amoeba. Amoebas are bad at getting anything done.)
Ainakaan ei tarvitse pelätä addiktoitumista ihan pian.
1.03.2017 - 14:44At least I don’t need to fear that I might get too addicted to social media in near future.
Other people:
-I spend way too much time online. | -Me too! I removed the FB app from my phone so I wouldn’t use it all the time. | -I’ve decided not to check my e-mail more than twice a day.
And no social media use after 10 pm. | -I take a break from social media once a week. | -I’ve been thinking that I should try that, too.
-Communication – urgh! I should check my e-mails. It’s probably been at least a fortnight since I opened my inbox. I think I should take a peek on FB, too.
…I wonder if I could put those things off for yet another two weeks. Or months.
(Obviously I’m not always that much of an asocial person, but there are times when interaction with the outside world even via computer feels like too much work.)
Ongelma ratkaistu.
28.02.2017 - 20:48Jotain tyyppejä.
27.02.2017 - 21:33Kevättalvi ei ole minun juttuni.
19.02.2017 - 23:22This time of the year is really not my thing.
-Hello-oo-oo-o! There’s stuff you should take care of! Take a shower, answer your e-mail, cook some food, vacuum the floor, pay the bills!
-Give me even one good reason why I should bother. / -Well, ehrm… there are social norms… or… I’m sure there’s something…
-Thought so. Get back to me if you actually come up with a proper argument. / -Fuck.
Vielä viisi minuuttia.
17.02.2017 - 15:39-Damn. What’s the time? (Alarm didn’t work.)
-Half past ten. Well, that’s not so bad. For a moment there I was afraid that I had slept past noon again.
[Three hours later] -Well fuck.
(I’m pretty sure that aliens abduct me repeatedly. I can’t think of anything else to explain how I can just lose several hours
and afterwards have no idea where that time has gone.)
Tekisi mieli ottaa kantaa, mutta en viitsi.
16.02.2017 - 18:20-I’d like to discuss social topics in my blog more often. Comment on stuff that’s important to me.
-But many subjects are so multilayered and complicated that I don’t feel that I know enough to be able to form a well-reasoned and
researched opinion about them. I don’t have enough time to study everything as deeply as I feel I should before I could offer a reasonable
and informed argument on some specific topic. It can often be hard to even determine how reliable different sources are!
-Most people don’t seem to perceive their lack of knowledge as an obstacle to voicing their opinions.
-Yeah. But there are so many of them already, I doubt it would do any good for me to join in too.
Punajuuri olisi ihan hyvä sarjakuvahahmo.
15.02.2017 - 15:09Lisää hyviä neuvoja.
15.02.2017 - 0:48-It’s hard to come up with ideas. Again.
-Maybe Oblique Strategies would help?
-Well that was easy.
(Jos joku ei tiedä, niin Oblique Strategies on Brian Enon ja Peter Schmidtin kehittämä, alunperin korttipakkamuotoinen apuväline esimerkiksi ideoiden kehittelyyn ja luovien blokkien ratkaisuun. Nykyään siitä löytyy useampiakin online-versioita, kuten vaikka tämä.)